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Out of memory whilst running CLI tasks
Out of memory whilst running CLI tasks
Matt Gray avatar
Written by Matt Gray
Updated over a year ago

Many of Craft's CLI commands can suffer from memory leaks when operating over a large number of objects. One way to prevent this from occurring is to run the commands in small batches, resetting the memory usage between each batch.

Luckily Craft provides `--limit` and `--offset` parameters for many of its CLI commands. We can use these to process a small number of objects at a time.

Doing this manually could take a long time, so we like to use a little bit of bash scripting to automate the process for us:

c=0; while [[ c -lt 45000 ]]; do ./craft resave/orders --update-search-index=1 --offset=$c --limit=500; ((c = $c + 500)); done

You just need to:

  1. replace the `45000` with a number slightly higher than the total number of objects you expect to be included in the process

  2. replace the `500`s with the size of each batch. This number will depend on how quickly you're hitting memory issues. Lower will reset the memory usage more often.

  3. replace `./craft resave/orders --update-search-index=1` with whatever command you'd like to run

Once you have your bash script ready to go you can start a Shell session from the Servd dashboard and paste it in!

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