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Invite a Client
Matt Gray avatar
Written by Matt Gray
Updated over a year ago

If you are creating projects on behalf of Clients it's often useful to get them to set up their own Servd team so that they can remain in control of any billing whilst still allowing you to deploy and make updates to their projects.

Servd has a special onboarding flow which you can use to help these clients get up and running, without them having to get involved with the intricacies of setting up a new project. By the end of the process the client will have:

  1. Created a user account on Servd

  2. Created a new team

  3. Added billing information

  4. Invited you to their new team

See the video above for a demonstration of the process which the client will go through.

To begin the client onboarding process:

  1. Log into Servd using your normal Servd user

  2. Select 'Invite a Client' in the main navigation

  3. Enter the Client's email and an optional message for them

  4. Click 'Invite' and we'll send the client a special link which will be all they need to get them up and running

Project already created?

If your project is already set up and you're looking to transfer it to your client's new team, check out the Transfer A Project doc page for the last few steps.

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